Marlin Dev & Community Updates – November 2019

Hey there!!

It’s time for another update! 


# net.cpp
- Doxygen commenting

# beacon.cpp
- Doxygen commenting

# compression.cpp
- Compression/Decompression framework

# stream.cpp
- Doxygen commenting
- Throughput improvements, reduce spurious retransmissions

# pubsub.cpp
- Doxygen commenting

# Devops/Testing
- Pulumi scripts for provisioning on GCP
- Goldfish node (minimal marlin network) for local testing

# Docs/Specs
- C++ SDK Tutorial
- Stream
- Prouducer/Consumer

- C++ SDK`

Things you might have missed recently

Marlin Protocol at WBC 2019
Panel on ‘Web3.0 Sprout and Rise’ at WBC 2019

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